Hello Again

It’s been a month since my last post.  I had hoped to post a weekly blog but life has other plans and we’ve been busy living it.

A month ago we traveled to Cincinnati Children’s Hospital with the boys for their biannual visit.  The visits take some wind from my sail and it takes me awhile to process everything, not to mention brood and mourn and celebrate all that we learn while we are there…part of the reason I’ve not blogged in a while.  I shared an update from our visit on our Facebook page, you can read it here if you would like:  www.facebook.com/MaxRowenCharlie/.

We celebrated Easter.  The kids had a nice long break and we spent it enjoying family.  We traveled to Kansas City to spend it with extended family we do not see often enough. It was really great because it was the first time in well over a year we traveled for reasons other than doctor’s appointments or a sporting event.  We spent time enjoying each other and were surrounded with love.  It was great.

Last week was busy.  We had two track meets, an all day field trip, a baseball scrimmage and two practices.  Over the weekend my husband played 5 or 6 games of basketball in an alumni basketball tournament.  I love the man, but I am still trying to figure out how they won so many games.  It was fun; but it definitely kept us busy. I’m going to quote my 8-year-old son here, but it sums up the fun and wonder of the weekend.  “My favorite part was watching the fat guys play!”

And yesterday.  What a great day.  We spent it in Lincoln with several other families living with Duchenne.  We cried together, we laughed together, we shared a lot with families that just get it, who don’t require explanation.  It was so rewarding.

As I reflect on it today, I’m thinking about Divine Mercy Sunday, which also happened to be yesterday.  I think, what a great example of Divine Mercy.  The people we spent yesterday with all live a version of the life we are living.  It is not easy.  It makes me remember a weekend almost 6 years ago that we were spending with a family at a youth track meet in Iowa.  We had just been diagnosed and I shared the information with my friend and the mother of the family we were with.  She said something that I have never, nor will ever forget.

She said, “You are not alone.  God gave us each other to be there for one another.  Even Jesus needed help when he carried his cross.”

Spending Divine Mercy Sunday with the people mentioned above was reassurance that God gave us each other.  We don’t have to do the hard things alone.  My heart is a grateful heart for the many people who we share this journey with and the many people that support us.

This week should be a slower week for our family. I need to clean this house because it looks exactly like the landing pad it has been for the last month.  But my heart is craving time outside, admiring and breathing in the new life that spring brings. Mostly though, I want to love on my little people. Spring feels like new possibilities and is good for my soul.




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